
New issue - SIGNALS No. 2

It's been a few months since SIGNALS No. 1 was published and it is now essentially out of print - the last remaining copies are available at www.microcosmpublishing.com.

SIGNALS No.2 has been printed in a small run of 45 copies. This issue includes an article on WUMS the legendary medium wave & shortwave "outlaw" station and great short fiction piece by Michael G. McLaughlin titled "The Death of Rock & Roll".

This installment of /the wave project is slim but (I hope) filled with quality content related to indie media & free radio. Thanks to the postal service which loves Time Warner & hates DIY and small press publishers, the cost of this issue is $2.50 postpaid.

Copies may be ordered through PayPal via singinggrove@conknet.com

Thank you for supporting this homegrown effort - my intention is to continue publishing /the wave project print zines every 4 to 6 months as long as I have a few bucks left on my credit line. Your feedback is much encouraged and appreciated.


Regarding Postal Increases

Dear Mr. Hodes,

In response to your response, I want to point out that there is not a non-profit periodical 'industry' per se. There are small "labor of love" or community based publications operating on a shoestring budget and published individuals or small groups of people who are seriously affected by these rate increases. The impact of postal increases on these publications is enormous, and indirectly creates an impact upon freedom of the press, free speech, and the ability to enjoy and participate in our representative democracy. In a world where media is controlled by a handful of corporations, the survival of small publications is more important than ever.


Frederick Moe


Dear Frederick,

Thank you for contacting me about your concerns about the recent postal rate increases. I appreciate that you took the time to share your thoughts with me.

The United States Postal Services (USPS) increased postage rates effective May 14, 2007. The USPS's Board of Governors raised the price for first class mail to $0.41. The Board of Governors increased the rates to all types of mail, except for periodicals, whose rates will be changed in mid July.

The USPS is increasing prices to keep up with its operating costs. I expressed concern to the Board of Governors of the USPS in one instance where I thought the increase was excessive-the up to 36% rate increase for the catalog and non-profit periodical industry.

I will continue to follow the rate increases to make sure that they are reasonable and not too severe. It is important that the USPS prices allow mailing services to be accessible to all Americans.

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me. If you would like information on this or any other issue, visit my website at http://hodes.house.gov. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future to express your views or if I can be of help on any matter.

Paul Hodes
Member of Congress


Uncle Enos Zine Review

The most intriguing zines are infused with passion : in the writing, subject matter, layout, design and energy. Uncle Enos exudes passion from cover to back page, passion for music and life. Since its arrival in my mailbox, I have been immersed in reading the fascinating articles within.

The cover of Uncle Enos announces "the lo-fi voice of the Prim Rock underground". Uncle Enos is full of information related to DIY music, cigar box guitars & related instruments, recordings, forgotten heroes, building projects, artwork. I was thrilled to find an artcile about the creation of the Trees Community box set. Ecstatic to learn about Willie Joe Duncan and wondering how I can hear the Unitar. Mesmerized by Timothy Renner's artwork.

Reading zines should be an experience of discovery. Every page of Uncle Enos was a discovery for me. Thank you, Shane, for taking it deep & creating this incredible first (and hopefully not last) issue.

For more on Uncle Enos info contact cigarboxguitar@yahoo.com


New issue!!!!

Hot off the copy machine - the new issue of the /wave project entitled SIGNALS!

This installment includes a lengthy interview with John Poet of the Crystal Ship, an update from Doctor Benway of Undercover Radio, a letter from zinester James N. Dawson & more. $3.25 postpaid (yes its higher ... thank you USPS)
please send paypal or inquiries to: singinggrove@conknet.com

first print run = 30 copies.