
Words of Encouragement from D. Blake Werts

Published in Xerography Debt #28

"It is this type of zine that shows up once in a while and your postbox becomes a candy store ... midway through I was wondering what it would take to put together my own broadcast station. It is sure to excite ideas in your life."

Thank you Blake!


Words of Encouragement from Kevin Carey

Hi Frederick,

Thanks so much for sending the issues of Signals to me. I was pleased to see a publication address more topics about radio than just kHz, MHz, and antenna gains. There is a human side to radio, and your publication seems to really "get it." By the way, is there any connection between your Zine's name and the old radio show Signals that was once broadcast via shortwave? I used to enjoy listening to it, and recently downloaded the show's theme song, Telstar, by the Tornados.

I was pleasantly surprised to see my friend and colleague Myke Weiskopf covered extensively in issue #4. I met Myke at Kulpsville several years ago, and he has shared rare CD recordings of longwave stations with me. He is doing truly crucial work in preserving signals that are nearly extinct.

I look forward to answering any questions you may have about longwave, and best of luck with your publication!

73, and best LW DX,



Paper Radio #6 (formerly Signals)

Yes it has regenerated ... issue #6 is hot off the press, 28 pages of shortwave, pirate and radio goodness with interviews with John Anderson of DIY media and Pete "Madtone" whose music is inspired by shortwave listening ... the history of European Music Radio, an article on Steeleye Span and recollections of the folk music "riot" of 1961 ...

$3 via PayPal (please mark as gift) from singinggrove@conknet.com or email me to send cash.


Updates From DJ Frederick's Cottage Industry

It's summertime & that means the cottage industry is heating up. Signals will now be known as Paper Radio as of issue #6. Issue #6 will be published within the next few weeks! There are new missives from of Night Train (to Mundo Fine) on the horizon, and zine reviews a plenty in issue one of One Minute Zine Reviews.

Expect two issues of Paper Radio in 2011 (#6 & #7) before the zine goes on an extended (possibly permanent) hiatus. But have no fear ... other written word projects are bubbling up in the cottage industry brewery.