
New issue - SIGNALS No. 2

It's been a few months since SIGNALS No. 1 was published and it is now essentially out of print - the last remaining copies are available at www.microcosmpublishing.com.

SIGNALS No.2 has been printed in a small run of 45 copies. This issue includes an article on WUMS the legendary medium wave & shortwave "outlaw" station and great short fiction piece by Michael G. McLaughlin titled "The Death of Rock & Roll".

This installment of /the wave project is slim but (I hope) filled with quality content related to indie media & free radio. Thanks to the postal service which loves Time Warner & hates DIY and small press publishers, the cost of this issue is $2.50 postpaid.

Copies may be ordered through PayPal via singinggrove@conknet.com

Thank you for supporting this homegrown effort - my intention is to continue publishing /the wave project print zines every 4 to 6 months as long as I have a few bucks left on my credit line. Your feedback is much encouraged and appreciated.